Could a Small Part Be to Blame If Your Car's A/C Has Quit?

Could a Small Part Be to Blame If Your Car's A/C Has Quit?

Could a Small Part Be to Blame If Your Car's A/C Has Quit?

11 March 2020
, Blog

The air conditioning system on a car or truck relies on a number of individual components working in harmony to provide that much-needed cold air. Some of these components are well-known (such as the compressor), while others are not but may nevertheless cause significant problems in the event of an issue. You may not have heard of an expansion valve before but should certainly be aware of its function if your air conditioning has frozen up. What does this part do, and why do issues arise?

A/C in Action

Despite its diminutive size, the expansion valve has a big role to play in the proper function of an automotive air conditioning system. Essentially, it needs to regulate the pressure when the refrigerant gas converts into a liquid. After all, it's very important for this pressure to be adequately managed; otherwise, the temperature could drop too far, and this could cause the system to freeze up.

Understanding the Expansion Valve

Car manufacturers use different systems, but the expansion valve has been around for a long time and is still to be found on many cars and trucks. It is essentially a small tube linked to a temperature sensor, and the tube itself is filled with a special type of gas. As the process unfolds, the sensor is programmed to open or close the valve by regulating the pressure of the gas within the tube. As the temperature drops, the pressure will also decrease, and this will cause the expansion valve to close. Consequently, this will regulate the overall temperature of the system, and if working properly, freezing should never be an issue.

When Things Go Wrong

In order for the expansion valve to function correctly, the internal parts will need to be lubricated. Typically, a certain amount of oil is included in the A/C refrigerant, and this should be enough for normal operation. However, some of this crucial oil may also leak out if the vehicle has lost some refrigerant, and in the worst-case scenario, the valve may jam altogether. Furthermore, the tiny holes within the tube can become blocked if debris has found its way into the system with the passage of time.

What to Do Next

If your A/C system is frozen and non-operational, ask your friendly mechanic to have a look at the expansion valve. They may need to clean the tube and will need to make sure that it is properly lubricated going forward.

To learn more about automotive A/C systems, contact an auto A/C service in your area.

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Is it Time to Service Your Car?

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