Three Signs That Your Clutch Is Worn Out and Needs Repair

Three Signs That Your Clutch Is Worn Out and Needs Repair

Three Signs That Your Clutch Is Worn Out and Needs Repair

11 March 2020
, Blog

The clutch is a very important part of your vehicle's mechanical operation. It separates the engine from the wheels. Without the clutch, you wouldn't be able to stop or slow down the car without switching off the engine. The clutch has three crucial components, and with the frequent engaging and disengaging, these three parts wear out. When the parts start wearing out, they stop engaging each other smoothly, which makes shifting gears rocky. Here are signs which will indicate that you need to change your clutch.

Unusual Vibration

When the three parts which the clutch is composed of — the clutch plate, pressure plate and the flywheel — are in good working condition, changing gears is a very smooth transition. However, as they wear out, the alignment process when you press and release the pedal will stop being smooth. Instead, you will feel a vibration, sponginess or looseness when you engage the clutch pedal. This is a sure indication that parts of your clutch are worn out and that replacements are needed before you get into a nasty incident.

Odd Noises

Another sure indication that your clutch is worn out and needs a replacement is hearing odd squeaking or grumbling noises when the clutch is pressed. Usually, these noises come from the parts coming into contact with one another, especially when springs are worn out. Another common sign that occurs together with the odd noises is that you will have the ability to rev the engine of your car, but acceleration will be poor because the connection between the engine and the wheels is not constant.

Loss of Acceleration

Another common problem you may experience when dealing with a worn-out clutch is the slipping phenomenon. This slipping can be felt at any time during the process of driving the vehicle. When the slip happens, the vehicle momentarily loses acceleration. This problem is also accompanied with difficulties when trying to shift gears.  At times, you may also have a burning rubber smell when shifting gears.

All these are indications that you need to have your clutch checked. In case there are problems, the repair costs and process will depend on the model of the car and the type of clutch. It is also advisable to ensure that a clutch replacement professional handles the diagnosis and replacement of the part. They will know where to source a genuine spare part and how to replace it properly so that it does not create complications after some time in use. 

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