How to Decide Whether Damaged Panels Need to Be Repaired or Replaced

How to Decide Whether Damaged Panels Need to Be Repaired or Replaced

How to Decide Whether Damaged Panels Need to Be Repaired or Replaced

18 March 2020
, Blog

When a motorist is involved in a car accident that does not include any injury, their thoughts will turn to repair. They will wonder how much it's going to cost them or whether they will lose any 'no claims bonus', and will need to know how long they will be without the vehicle. The answer to this question will be based on the extent of the damage and, crucially, whether specific panels will need to be repaired or replaced. How will the experts make this decision?

Expert Analysis

At the beginning of the process, the insurance company will send a trained analyst, known as an estimator, to have a look at your vehicle. They are typically engineers in their own right, and they know what it will take to fix the damage and, importantly, how much it will cost. As they work for the insurance company, they will always try to reduce the cost exposure as much as possible, but at the end of their labours they will provide the repair shop with some instruction.

When the vehicle arrives at the shop, the second expert will also have a look. The panel beater will typically have a closer look than the estimator, as they may need to remove some of the existing panels to reveal the full extent of the damage.

Making Decisions

Between them, these individuals may compromise and come to a final decision about the repairs. They may agree that a specific amount of work needs to be performed and will determine whether individual panels need to be repaired or replaced.

Cheaper to Replace?

This is typically based on a cost/benefit analysis. In some circumstances, it may be cheaper to replace a panel rather than repair, especially if it's going to take a lot of detailed work on behalf of the panel beater. They may also feel that it would be better to replace a panel if it is likely to improve the overall aesthetic of the vehicle.

Better to Repair

On the other hand, they may decide to repair existing damage if individual replacement panels are difficult to get. If they are out of stock at the local supply merchant, this may delay the entire job, take up valuable space in the workshop and lead to other costs as well. For example, the insurance company may have to pay for a rental car for the duration of the delay.

Finding Out More

Have a word with your panel beater to see what they think about the damage. They'll be able to give you an estimate of both the repairs and the time it may take, depending on some of these factors.

You can reach out to an auto service in your area for more information about Lexus smash repairs.

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