How to Tell If Your Car's Radiator is in Need of Some TLC

How to Tell If Your Car's Radiator is in Need of Some TLC

How to Tell If Your Car's Radiator is in Need of Some TLC

18 March 2020
, Blog

You may not be the only one who gets hot under the collar if you're stuck in a Sydney rush-hour traffic jam. Your car may be overheating, and the needle may have crept up to the top of its gauge. If you're having trouble with a car that overheats, you may need radiator repairs.

Removing Heat

As you may know, a tremendous amount of heat builds up inside the engine during the combustion process. Engineers remove this heat by channelling water through a special network of pipes built into the engine itself, and it's all connected to the radiator that sits at the front of the vehicle. When you drive the car down the road, the force of the air hitting the radiator will transfer the heat energy and this will allow some cooler fluid to flow back into the engine block once again.


It is critical to ensure that the radiator is, therefore, in as good a condition as possible. It's well designed for the purpose, but its design can also be its Achilles heel -- especially due to its vulnerability at the front of the vehicle.

External Damage

Sometimes, stones and other road debris can be thrown up and may hit the fragile matrix, causing damage. When this happens, a leak can develop, and without an adequate supply of fluid, heat problems will arise.

Delicate Make-Up

The matrix is made up of a lattice of fins and tubes. These have to be relatively small and thin in order to serve their purpose. To work properly, water needs to be forced under pressure through this latticework, but if it meets any obstruction, more problems can begin.

Internal Blockage

The radiator can become blocked if any contamination builds up inside. This is inevitable over time; as the coolant begins to break down, tiny particles of rubber become dislodged from the inside of the pipes and flakes of metal break from within the engine. Nevertheless, you will need to remove this as soon as possible, or the radiator will not be able to perform its function.

What to Do Next

Have a look at the outside condition of the radiator when you next get a chance. If any leaves or other particles are stuck to the surface, these can be removed, and it may help with your problem. Otherwise, you'll need to take the vehicle in to a mechanic for them to flush out the radiator using a specialised tool.

Contact a mechanic in your area for more information about car radiator repair.

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Have you ever wondered what goes on underneath the bonnet of your car? If so, you are in the right place. We created this blog so we could bring you articles which inform and entertain you. We will be exploring every aspect of your auto and each of the parts which make up the machine. Once you have this knowledge, you will be able to purchase, repair, install and sell different auto parts. We are trained auto mechanics, but we have carried out a ton of research into this subject so you can be certain you are receiving the best info.
