Expert Mechanic Speak: Top Ways To Maintain Your Car's Value For Resale

Expert Mechanic Speak: Top Ways To Maintain Your Car's Value For Resale

Expert Mechanic Speak: Top Ways To Maintain Your Car's Value For Resale

26 May 2020
, Blog

The value of your new car starts to depreciate the moment it rolls off the lot. This may not be exactly what you would like to hear, especially if you are looking to resell. The good news is that with some proactive care on your part, and with the help of your mechanic, you can keep a check on your car's resale value.

From an expert mechanic, here is what you should do to maintain the value of your car.

1. Follow the Maintenance Schedule

In your car owner's manual is a maintenance and service schedule that you should always follow. Based on your driving habits, routes and other considerations, your mechanic may advise you to come in even more frequently than is recommended in the manual. These maintenance checks ensure that everything is as should be and works as well.

2. Timely Repairs Always

A scratch here and a dent there may not seem like anything to worry about, but however minor it may be, the effect on your car's resale value will not be as minor. Ensure that you get a professional mechanic to take care of every repair, big or minor, as soon as possible.

3. Keep Records

For both repairs and servicing, you want to make sure you keep a record of all the work done. Your mechanic no doubt has such a record, and you can always borrow some notes as you start keeping your own records.

Most buyers do ask about the car's maintenance and repair history. If and when this happens, you will have the records to prove that you've been taking proper care of your car.

4. Keep Your Mileage Low

Mechanics understand all too well that high-mileage ranks high up in the column of things that devalue your car. If you can keep your mileage to below the average, you stand a better chance of fetching a good price when you resell your car.

Consider using public transport every now and then. You could also carpool with others, to help keep the mileage on your car reading low.

5 Careful With the Aftermarket Modifications

Adding a stereo may seem like such a good idea to you, but potential buyers may not see it as such. Some modifications add to your car's resale value, while others take away from it. It needs careful weighing, and your mechanic may suggest avoiding any modifications altogether.

If you are considering selling your car, you can speak to a mechanic about more ideas that may help you to get a good deal on the resale.

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Is it Time to Service Your Car?

Have you ever wondered what goes on underneath the bonnet of your car? If so, you are in the right place. We created this blog so we could bring you articles which inform and entertain you. We will be exploring every aspect of your auto and each of the parts which make up the machine. Once you have this knowledge, you will be able to purchase, repair, install and sell different auto parts. We are trained auto mechanics, but we have carried out a ton of research into this subject so you can be certain you are receiving the best info.
