4 Hard-to-Miss Signs That Your Car Battery May Need Replacing

4 Hard-to-Miss Signs That Your Car Battery May Need Replacing

4 Hard-to-Miss Signs That Your Car Battery May Need Replacing

17 July 2020
, Blog

Depending on several factors, including the type of vehicle, your driving habits and weather conditions, your car battery can last between 4–5 years and even longer with regular servicing.

The good news is that you can always tell when the end is near and can make the necessary arrangements to get a new one before you end up in the middle of the road with a flat battery.

Some of these telltale signs that you need to replace your car battery include the following.

Slow Start or Won't Start

A failing car battery is one of the possible culprits if you are experiencing sluggish cranking for a while before the engine starts, if it starts at all. These starting problems are usually accompanied by squeaking and whirring sounds.

A jump start may be able to help you, but if the problems with your car battery are severe, then jump starts will be, at best, a temporary fix. The sluggish cranking means that the battery cannot provide enough power for engine startup, and you will need a replacement.

Frequent Jump Starting

Still on jump-starting, if you find that your car battery needs a jump start too frequently, it may be time for a change. Regardless of the battery's age, this need for frequent boosting points to the fact that your battery is unable to hold a charge for long.

A significant amount of time and effort goes into setting up a jump start. You can save yourself both by investing in a new quality car battery.

Electronics Behaving Erratically

A dying car battery may be the reason why your car lights keep flickering or stop working. The same problem may cause electronics such as remote locks to stop working.

Driving around with flickering headlights is quite dangerous. You also wouldn't want to risk being locked out of your car because the lock won't respond to your remote key. These are both good reasons why you should consider replacing your car battery as soon as possible.

The Battery Doesn't Look or Smell Right

What do you see or smell when you pop the bonnet? It's never a good sign if you pick up on a nasty smell, much like that of rotten eggs.

This smell is usually due to battery fluid leakage, which may result in some corrosion on the battery. Just as bad is if the battery appears swollen.

A professional's input will be invaluable in deciding whether or not to replace your car battery. If you notice any of these signs, have your battery tested as soon as possible and replace it if it is necessary to do so.

For more information about car batteries, contact a company like Narellan Auto Electrical.

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