Is Your Car Feeling Old? Perhaps Getting Dyno Tuning Would Help

Is Your Car Feeling Old? Perhaps Getting Dyno Tuning Would Help

Is Your Car Feeling Old? Perhaps Getting Dyno Tuning Would Help

9 September 2021
, Blog

Have you noticed that your vehicle is not performing as well as it once did? It may take longer to overtake a slower car, the engine may sound a bit rough when idling, or you may be paying a lot more at the pump for your fuel. In any case, you'll want to take the car into a specialised garage and ask for a dyno tune. What is this, and what will it achieve?

Gradual Deterioration

When a car or truck first leaves the showroom floor, it is perfectly optimised. It's designed to run as efficiently as possible and take you a set number of kilometres for every litre of fuel. Yet as time goes, things can change. The fuel you get at the pump is not as pure as it could be, and this may lead to a build-up of contamination within the system. The engine will begin to wear down with time and will not 'fire' as well as it used to. Taking all of these factors together leads to a slowdown in performance and some of the symptoms you have previously noticed.

What's Involved?

But what is a dyno, or to give it its full name, a dynamometer? Essentially, this machine begins with a pair of rollers that are set into the service bay floor. According to its final drive, your vehicle's front or rear wheels are placed on top of the rollers while the vehicle is secured to sturdy posts.

Ready to Start

The technician will attach various cables and other measuring instruments to the vehicle, all of which are connected to a nearby computer. Then, they will start the engine and drive the car as if it was on the open road. The wheels will turn within the rollers and send further readings to the computer.

Gathering Information

Before any work begins, the technician will chat with you to get some feedback. They will want to know what problems you have encountered, and they will have a good idea of what to look for when the test begins.

Making Alterations

This machine will help the mechanic look at a variety of components. For example, it'll check the engine compression as well as the fuel distribution system. The mechanic will then run the vehicle up and down the gears to maximum speed and back to zero. Then, while consulting the results on the computer, the technician can make any necessary adjustments needed to correct problems.

Getting Your Report

Once you have completed your dyno tuning appointment, you will get a detailed report that will tell you what was wrong and show you how your technician was able to repair it. In most cases, this will return the vehicle to a much more responsive condition, and you will undoubtedly notice the difference on the open road.

About Me
Is it Time to Service Your Car?

Have you ever wondered what goes on underneath the bonnet of your car? If so, you are in the right place. We created this blog so we could bring you articles which inform and entertain you. We will be exploring every aspect of your auto and each of the parts which make up the machine. Once you have this knowledge, you will be able to purchase, repair, install and sell different auto parts. We are trained auto mechanics, but we have carried out a ton of research into this subject so you can be certain you are receiving the best info.
